
PiP iT Wins Dept of International Trade FinTech Award!


PiP iT is delighted to be able to announce that it is one of the eight companies to win the Department of International Trade 2020 FinTech Awards.

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The prize is specific to FinTech companies with ambitions to grow their business in India and who have a ‘strong value proposition for the Indian market’ The award includes a year's mentorship through EY India with leading India FinTech and Payments mentors.


The mentorship process started this week the first session being an introduction to the India payments market, with further sessions over the coming months on the ‘India Stack’ payments mechanism as well as the allocation of specific mentors to work with each company. The award culminates in February 2021 with the winners meeting in India as part of India FinTech Festival.


PiP iT has been selected due to its social impact model of working to help migrants around the world support their families at home, cheaper and safer. India is the largest receiver of remittances globally, with $80b received by families in India in 2019. PiP iT’s model helps migrants get cash home cheaper, with more funds get to those who rely on them.


We’d like to congratulate the other winners - Agvesto, Amartha, Prodigy Finance, Skyline Partners, Credit Enable, Truelayer and McLear. As well as the learnings we will take from this mentorship, we hope to be able to support our co-winners however we can.


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